Change Bitcoin BTC to Tether BNB SC (BEP20) USDT

BTC to USDT BEP20: Change Bitcoin to Tether BNB SC (BEP20)

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Min:  0.06  -  Max:  0.07
Rate: 1: 87106.64356435
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Reserve:  332039.79
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The exchange of Bitcoin (BTC) to Tether BNB SC (BEP20) USDT is oneof the most popular trends in cryptocurrency trading. It is chosen by experienced investors who want to retain assets in conditions of strong fluctuations in the markets. As Tether stablecoin is pegged to the US dollar, it loses value slower! Besides, exchanging Bitcoin to USDT is perfectly suitable for trading on the stock exchanges, paying for goods and services, making international transfers and receiving fiat currencies.

Specific features of Bitcoin (BTC) cryptocurrency

Bitcoin (BTC) is the world's first and most popular cryptocurrency, created in 2009 for decentralized online payments without the involvement of banks and other intermediaries. Bitcoin emission occurs through operation of computer networks with special software. To store BTC, electronic wallets are used, which are accessed using two types of keys:

  • Public - used to receive transfers, is provided to third parties and is the equivalent of a bank card number.

  • Private - allows access to the stored cryptocurrency, is kept secret by the user and works similarly to the pin code of a regular credit card.

The ease of registration and use of a cryptocurrency wallet allows you to almost immediately buy USDT for Bitcoin, make transfers and perform other financial transactions online. At the same time, the user is guaranteed complete anonymity, security and transparency of transaction processing.

Benefits of exchanging Bitcoin to Tether BNB SC (BEP20)

Tether (USDT) is a popular stablecoin pegged to the US dollar exchange rate and backed by real currency assets of Hong Kong-based company Tether Limited. Since September 2020, the digital coin has been issued on the Binance Smart Chain (BNB SC) blockchain and uses the BEP-20 standard, which has enabled faster transactions and lower transfer fees.

Emission of Tether USDT is carried out in unlimited amounts. The coin is issued and burned at the request of users. The company receives real dollars, after that, it mints tokens in an equivalent that corresponds to the amount of fiats. After receiving USDT, the user can apply them for various transactions and even execute a reverse exchange. Once converted into real money, the stablecoin is "burned" and withdrawn from circulation.

Tether BNB SC is integrated into the Binance network and works only with wallets supporting the BEP20 standard. In terms of capitalization, the digital coin is among the 10 largest cryptocurrencies. Due to its high liquidity, exchanging for Teter BTC is considered an excellent investment option. Dollar-stablecoin can be stored as an asset for a long time, sold at a profit in the nearest future or used to make payments.

Fast exchange of BTC to Tether in NovaChange service

Our crypto exchange is a reliable assistant in carrying out transactions with popular digital currencies. Using NovaChange service, you can buy USDT for BTC fast, profitable and as safe as possible. The limit of operations is restricted only by the available reserve. Registration and verification are not required. Just specify the transfer amount and unique Tether BEP-20 address in the payment form, afterwards form an application and make the payment. The money will arrive within a couple of minutes!

NovaChange service offers the most favorable conditions of cooperation:

  • provides an online calculator and other useful tools;

  • converts currencies at the current exchange rates of international exchanges;

  • applies secure data encryption methods;

  • secures confidentiality of client information from third parties;

  • charges low commission for exchange operations;

  • provides technical support on a 24/7 basis;

  • gives discounts and makes cashback through the loyalty program.

BTC can be exchanged to USDT Tether at any time. We work around the clock. Just choose the required direction on the website and make a profitable exchange!