Change Ethereum ETH to PIX BRL

ETH to BRL: Change Ethereum to PIX BRL

Our service helps to make any exchange safely and quickly.

Icon currency take
Min:  0.06  -  Max:  2
Rate: 1: 15416.07881773
Icon currency give
Reserve:  612768.48
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CPF/CNPJ número *
Icon currency take
Chave Pix *
Icon currency take

ETH to PIX BRL exchange is a good way to save and multiply digital assets. Against the background of high volatility of cryptocurrency, the Brazilian real demonstrates confident stability, which makes it a great tool to protect savings from depreciation. Meanwhile, this currency is a universal means of payment. BRL allows you to pay for goods and services, make online transfers, as well as replenish e-wallets and fiat accounts on cryptocurrency exchanges for investing in other assets.

Benefits of Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency

Ethereum is a decentralized digital currency created in 2015 based on the blockchain platform bearing the same name. The storage of coins (ethers) is carried out on MetaMask, Guarda and other wallets. The issuance of tokens is performed using the Ethash algorithm in full compliance with the ERC-20 standard, which ensures the stability and security of the blockchain.

The main advantages of Ethereum cryptocurrency are considered to be:

  • high yields ensured by speculative demand;

  • reliable registries for storing and processing information;

  • high speed of transactions execution between users;

  • the ability to conduct secure transactions using smart contacts;

  • low commissions for transfers and other operations.

The owner of the cryptocurrency has the ability to exchange ETH to Brazilian real and other fiat money, to purchase other digital assets with them. Within the network, tokens can be used to transfer to other users, as well as to pay for the use of blockchain resources.

Features of exchanging Ethereum to real through the PIX system

The PIX payment system is a convenient financial transaction tool created by the Central Bank of Brazil. Having appeared in 2020, the service quickly reached the international level. A loyal policy towards cryptocurrencies allows the service to be used not only as a standard tool for payments and transfers, but also as a means of replenishing fiat accounts in the national Brazilian currency.

The Ethereum to PIX BRL exchange has the following features:

  • the ability to conduct transactions on a 24/7 basis;

  • instant processing and execution of payments;

  • no minimum amount for transfer;

  • low processing fees;

  • full compliance of transactions with the laws of Brazil.

BRL-transfers are managed through the B2BPay application. To receive funds you need CPF/CNPJ (taxpayer number) and a Brazilian bank account with a debit card. Transactions in the PIX system are conducted using special keys - phone number, email or a random 32-digit code (UUID).

Beneficial exchange of ETH to BRL in Nova Change service

Our platform allows you to convert cryptocurrency to fiat quickly, safely and anonymously. There is no need to register for transactions! To exchange Ethereum to PIX BRL, simply enter the transfer amount, CPF and key in the special form. You will immediately have access to information about the reserve, commission, limits and exchange rate. Money is credited to your account within a couple of minutes after sending and confirming the exchange.

Dealing with Nova Change crypto exchange is very convenient and profitable, as we guarantee:

  • Accessibility. We perform exchange operations in 24/7 mode and maintain constant availability of reserves in all directions

  • Promptness. Automatic processing of requests allows you to make transfers in real time. Funds are credited to the account almost instantly.

  • Convenience. Our interface is adapted to work with PCs and smartphones. Users have access to a large selection of currency pairs and an easy-to-use calculator.

  • Security. We use reliable encryption methods for transactions. At the same time we do not store and do not share our clients´ personal data with any third parties.

  • Loyalty. To make the exchange as profitable as possible, we offer discounts and cashback to our regular customers, as well as asmall commission.

Submit a request on the website and exchange cryptocurrency online. If necessary, our service will advise you and provide you with qualified technical support.