Change USD Coin ERC20 USDC to PIX BRL

USDC ERC20 to BRL: Change USD Coin ERC20 to PIX BRL

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Min:  10.00  -  Max:  8000.00
Rate: 1: 5.68019801
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Reserve:  12202055.66
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CPF/CNPJ número *
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Chave Pix *
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Exchange of USDC (ERC20) to BRL (Brazilian Real) is a popular direction of conversion of digital assets, widely used by individuals, investors and traders. As the given fiat currency is a highly demanded instrument for trading on various exchanges. Moreover, the stable and highly liquid BRL real is ideal for accumulating savings, making international payments and paying for online purchases.

Advantages and opportunities of USDC ERC20 stablecoin

USD Coin is a stable, fully backed USD cryptocurrency created by US-based company Centre in 2018. The tokens are issued based on the Ethereum blockchain and regulated by the ERC-20 technical standard. They are used for transactions via smart contracts and conversion to fiat currency via the Centre application, which is supported by Coinbase and Circle.

The main advantages of the USDC ERC20 cryptocurrency are:

  • stable value provided by fiat reserves;

  • transparent conditions for transactions within the ecosystem;

  • high liquidity due to increased demand on crypto exchanges;

  • guaranteed security of payments and transfers;

  • availability of banking licenses and full compliance with the USA legislation.

The use of USDC tokens requires passing a complex verification (KYC). However, high reliability and official recognition at the legislative level makes this cryptocurrency an essential tool for banking transactions and long-term investments.

Benefits of transferring USDC ERC20 to BRL through the PIX system

The PIX payment system provides easy-to-use functionality for fast digital real (BRL) transactions. It ensures instant crediting of funds to deposit accounts of individuals and organizations registered in Brazilian banks. Payments are managed through a customized application with the ability to confirm transactions with a phone number, email, randomly generated code (UUID), as well as CPF or CNPJ.

Performing BRL transfers through the PIX system offers the following advantages:

  • no minimum amount required;

  • high level of security;

  • instant crediting of funds to accounts;

  • implementation of the transaction on a 24/7 basis;

  • transparent regulation of transactions.

The PIX system was created in 2020 by the Central Bank of Brazil. Today it is used to make payments in more than 200 countries. Additionally, it is actively used to withdraw money to local bank cards, pay taxes and make online purchases.

Advantages of exchanging USD Coin to BRL in Nova Change service

Our crypto exchange helps to convert digital assets into fiat money on favorable terms. To exchange USDC (ERC20) to real, you need to specify your taxpayer number (CPF), PIX system key and transfer amount in a special form. You will be able to place a request in a couple of clicks, having previously familiarized yourself with the limits, available reserve and the current exchange rate.

Cooperation with the Nova Change service has the following benefits:

  • Favorable conditions. We synchronize exchange rates with leading exchanges, offer low commissions, give discounts and cashback to regular customers.

  • Minimal processing times. Most transactions are conducted automatically, ensuring instant receipt of funds.

  • Full security. We use advanced encryption technologies and guarantee users confidentiality of personal data.

  • User-friendly interface. Our service is customized to work from a PC or smartphone. The platform has a calculator and other useful tools.

  • Constant availability. We process requests around the clock and maintain constant availability of reserves. Conversion is possible without registration.

If you are interested in a fast and reliable exchange of USDC cryptocurrency, use our website. Submitting the request and conversion to Brazilian real will take no more than 10 minutes!