Change USD Coin TRC20 USDC to PIX BRL

USDC TRC20 to BRL: Change USD Coin TRC20 to PIX BRL

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Min:  10.00  -  Max:  8000.00
Rate: 1: 5.73762376
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Reserve:  612768.48
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CPF/CNPJ número *
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Chave Pix *
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USDC TRC20 to BRL exchange is one of the popular destinations for converting cryptocurrency to fiat. Dollar token and Brazilian currency have a favorable exchange rate ratio, which minimizes losses from the sale of digital assets. The real received as a result of the exchange can be used for various purposes such as forming savings, transferring money around the world, replenishing fiat accounts at cryptocurrency exchanges, paying for goods and services, withdrawing cash via card.

Features of USDC TRC20 dollar-stablecoin

USDC TRC20 is a digital token that functions on the Tron blockchain in accordance with the TRC20 technical standard. The stablecoin was developed by fintech company Circle in collaboration with cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase in 2018. Its value is equated to the US dollar at a 1:1 ratio. USDC is issued and managed by the Centre consortium. The token is among the 10 largest cryptocurrencies and is a popular means of conducting financial transactions on the Internet.

The key advantages of USD Coin (TRC20) are considered to be:

  • stable exchange rate due to collateralization with USD cash and US Treasury bonds
  • minimal level of commission fees for blockchain transactions;
  • transaction security provided by centralized management;
  • alta liquidez basada en una fácil conversión en fiat y otras criptomonedas;
  • high liquidity based on easy conversion into fiat and other cryptocurrencies;
  • full compliance of the ecosystem with applicable U.S. laws.

The ease of use of USDC TRC20 is ensured by a special application called Center. This token is supported by many e-wallets, exchanges, payment systems and exchangers, which provides a wide range of opportunities for various transactions - payment for goods, transfers, conversion to other cryptocurrencies or conversion to fiat.

Benefits of exchanging USD Coin to Brazilian Real via PIX

BRL is a fiat currency that is a digital version of Brazil's national money. In electronic form, the real is actively used for bank transfers, online payments, and funding accounts at cryptocurrency exchanges. At the same time, most transactions with BRL are conducted through the PIX payment system, which was launched by the Central Bank of Brazil in 2020. The service has its own app and provides convenient functionality for transactions.

Exchanging USDC to BRL through the PIX service provides the following benefits:

  • no limits on amounts - you can send and receive starting from 0.01 reals;
  • constant availability - payments and transfers are made around the clock;
  • transparency of transactions - the history of all transactions is stored in the history of the electronic wallet;
  • high speed - crediting and sending money is almost instantaneous;
  • reliability - the service works within the framework of the official legislation of Brazil.

To take advantage of this payment system, you need to have a deposit account in one of the Brazilian banks. It is also necessary to register Key Pix, which will be used to confirm operations. It can be a phone number, QR code, E-mail, randomly generated code or CPF/CNPJ.

Advantages of USDC to BRL exchange with Nova Change service

Our crypto exchange provides fast conversion of cryptocurrencies into fiat money. To find out the exchange rate, reserve volume, commission and limits, the calculator presented on the website will help you. To exchange USDC TRC20 to real, you need to specify the amount, taxpayer number, PIX key and personal data. Funds will be credited to your account within 15-30 minutes after the request is paid!

Nova Change service offers the following advantages of cooperation:

  • we use the most favorable cryptocurrency exchange rates;
  • we apply reliable methods of personal data protection;
  • we take a small commission for the execution of transactions;
  • we provide technical support around the clock;
  • available from any device - smartphone, PC, laptop;
  • we make cashback and give personalized discounts;
  • we do not require mandatory registration and complex verification.

Using the functionality of our platform, you can convert USDC cryptocurrency into BRL fiat money at any time and in any amount!